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                            Noginskian Russian Stage
                          From 300.5 To 299 +/- 0.8 Ma
  End Defined By:  Conodont, lowest occurrence of Streptognathodus isolatus 
     within the S. "wabaunsensis" conodont chronocline.  6 m higher is lowest 
     fusilinid foraminifer Sphaeroschwagerina.
  End Based On:  Gradstein, Ogg, Smith, _A Geologic Time Scale 2004_
 -- A Substage of --
  Eon:                  Phanerozoic        (542 - -5.5012e-005)
  Era:                  Paleozoic          (542 - 251)
  Period:               Carboniferous      (359.2 - 299)
  Epoch:                Pennsylvanian      (318.1 - 299)
  Sub-Epoch:            Late Pennsylvanian (306.5 - 299)
  ICS Stage:            Gzhelian           (303.9 - 299)
  Chinese Stage:        Mapingian          (310 - 299)
  European Epoch:       Silesian           (326.4 - 299)
  European Stage:       Stephanian         (306.5 - 299)
  North American Stage: Virgilian          (305 - 299)
 -- Preceeded By --
  Russian Stage: Klazminskian (303.9 - 300.5)
 -- Followed By --
  Period:               Permian       (299 - 251)
  Epoch:                Early Permian (299 - 270.6)
  ICS Stage:            Asselian      (299 - 294.6)
  North American Stage: Wolfcampian   (299 - 280)

This page was automatically generated from the GeoWhen database (version 1.1.0).  Please read the introduction regarding the accuracy and reliability of this information.  Comments, corrections, and additions can be sent to  References to published academic literature are preferred.


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© 2003-2005 GeoWhen Database
Prepared By Robert A. Rohde

This page was last updated on Tuesday, January 18, 2005.