Paibian ICS Stage
From 501 +/- 2 To 496 Ma
Start Defined By: Trilobite, lowest occurrence of agnostoid Glyptagnostus
reticulatus. Coincides with base of large positive carbon-isotope
Start Based On: Gradstein, Ogg, Smith, _A Geologic Time Scale 2004_
Global Stratotype Section and Point: Huaqiao Formation, Paibi section,
Northwest Hunan province, south China
-- Overlaps With --
Australian Stage: Idamean (497 - 494)
Regional Stage: Festiniogian (496.8 - 492.5)
-- A Substage of --
Eon: Phanerozoic (542 - -5.5012e-005)
Era: Paleozoic (542 - 251)
Period: Cambrian (542 - 488.3)
Epoch: Late Cambrian (501 - 488.3)
North American Stage: Marjuman (504 - 494.5)
Russian-Kazakhian Stage: Ayusokkanian (501 - 494.5)
-- Preceeded By --
Epoch: Middle Cambrian (513 - 501)
Australian Stage: Boomerangian (504 - 501)
Chinese Stage: Zhungxian (505 - 501)
Russian-Kazakhian Stage: Mayan (502 - 501)
-- Contains the Following Stages --
Australian Stage: Mindyallan (501 - 497)
Regional Stage: Maentwrogian (501 - 496.8)