GeoWhen Database  


Geologic Timeline
(No Stages)

Geologic Timeline
(With Stages)

A-Z Stage List

Regional Information

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All RegionsNorth AmericaEuropeChinaAustralia
Russian-KazakhianJapanSouth AfricaCaliforniaNew Zealand
                          ICS General      ICS Specific   South Africa   
    4567.17 +/- 0.7 Ma: Hadean           - Hadean       -             
               4000 Ma:                  -              - Swazian     
               3800 Ma: Archean          - Eoarchean    -             
         3600 +/- 0 Ma:                  - Paleoarchean -             
         3200 +/- 0 Ma:                  - Mesoarchean  -             
               3000 Ma:                  -              - Randian     
         2800 +/- 0 Ma:                  - Neoarchean   -             
         2500 +/- 0 Ma: Paleoproterozoic - Siderian     - Vaalian     
         2300 +/- 0 Ma:                  - Rhyacian     -             
         2050 +/- 0 Ma:                  - Orosirian    - Mokolian    
         1800 +/- 0 Ma:                  - Statherian   -             
         1600 +/- 0 Ma: Mesoproterozoic  - Calymmian    -             
         1400 +/- 0 Ma:                  - Ectasian     -             
         1200 +/- 0 Ma:                  - Stenian      -             
         1000 +/- 0 Ma: Neoproterozoic   - Tonian       -             
                900 Ma:                  -              - Namibian    
          850 +/- 0 Ma:                  - Cryogenian   -             
         630 +5/-30 Ma:                  - Ediacaran    -             
        542 +/- 0.3 Ma: Cambrian         -   no stage   -   use ICS   

This page was automatically generated from the GeoWhen database (version 1.1.0).  Please read the introduction regarding the accuracy and reliability of this information.  Comments, corrections, and additions can be sent to  References to published academic literature are preferred.


Geologic Timeline
(No Stages)

Geologic Timeline
(With Stages)

A-Z Stage List

Regional Information

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© 2003-2005 GeoWhen Database
Prepared By Robert A. Rohde

This page was last updated on Tuesday, January 18, 2005.