GSSP for Dapingian Stage
The base of the Middle Ordovician Series and Dapingian is defined at a point 10.57m above the base of the Dawan Formation at the base of Bed SHOD-16 in the Huanghuachang Section, 22km NE of Yichang City, Hubei Province, South China. It coincides with the first appearance datum of the conodont Baltoniodus triangularis. It is associated with the FAD of conodont Periodon sp. A and followed closely by the FAD of conodont Microzarkodina flabellum. This level nearly coincides with the base of the Belonechitina cf. henryi chitinozoan biozone.
Sedimentology:The Huanghuachang Section comprises mainly the Dawan Formation. The Dawan Formation is subdivided into three units. The Lower Member is 12.97m thick and composed of gray, thin-bedded and minor medium-bedded limestones, bioclastic limestones and glauconitic limestones with yellow-green shale interbeds. The GSSP is located at the base of Bed SHOD-16 in the upper part of the Lower Member. This is 0.6m above the top of the distinctive 0.9m thick, medium-bedded dolomitic micritic limestone (SHOD 9-11) and 10.57m above the base of the Dawan Formation. The Middle Member of the Dawan Formation is 13 m thick. It is composed of purple medium-bedded micrite with yellow-green mudstone and shale interbeds. The Upper Member of the Dawan Formation of 28 m thick, it consists of yellow-green shale intercalated with thin-bedded nodular limestone and mudstone |
Primary Markers:
Conodonts:The GSSP coincides with the first appearance datum of Baltoniodus triangularis. It is further associated with the FAD of Periodon sp. A and followed closely by the FAD of Microzarkodina flabellum.
Secondary Markers:
Graptolites:The GSSP level is close to the FAD of graptolite Isograptus victoriae victoriae.
The base of the Belonechitina cf. henryi chitinozoan biozone is very close to the base of Baltoniodus triangularis
Correlation Events:
Conodont FAD of Baltoniodus triangularisOther Locations around the World:
The base of the Baltoniodus triangularis conodont biozone can be easily recognized in the North Atlantic Realm, North American Midcontinent Realm and in the Baltoscandinavian Region and northwestern Russia.Outcrop Images:

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