GSSP Rules 
Requirements for establishing a Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) - revised from Remane et al. (1996) according to current procedures and recommendations of the IUGS International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS).
1. Name and stratigraphic rank of the boundary
Including concise statement of GSSP definition
2. GSSP geographic and physical geology:
Geographic location, including map coordinates;
Precise location and stratigraphic position of GSSP level and specific point
Stratigraphic completeness across the GSSP level
Adequate thickness and stratigraphic extent of section above and below
Accessibility, including logistics, national politics and property rights
Provisions for conservation and protection
3. Primary and secondary markers
Principal correlation event (marker) at GSSP level
Other primary and secondary markers – biostratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy, chemical stratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy, cycle stratigraphy, other event stratigraphy, marine-land correlation potential
Potential age dating from volcanic ashes and/or orbital tuning
Demonstration of regional and global correlation
4. Summary of selection process
Relation of the GSSP to historical usage; references to historical background and adjacent (stage) units; selected publications
Other candidates and reasons for rejection; Summary of votes and received comments
Other useful reference sections
5. Official publication
Summary for full documentation in IUGS journal Episodes
Digital stratigraphy (lith, paleo, mag, chem.). images & graphic files submitted to ICS for public archive
Full publication (if not in Episodes) in an appropriate journal