GSSP for Ypresian Stage
The base of the Eocene Series and Ypresian Stage is defined in the DBH Subsection of the Dababiya Section, near Luxor, Egypt, at the base of a lithostratigraphic unit where the initiation of the so-called Carbon Isotope Excursion (CIE) is recorded.
Sedimentology:The Dababiya Quarry Beds are 3.68m thick in the DBH subsection. The GSSP lies at the base of Bed 1.
Primary Markers:
The GSSP is located at the base of a lithostratigraphic unit where the base of the so-called Carbon Isotope Excursion (CIE) is recordedSecondary Markers:
Foraminifera:Acarinina sibaiyaensis and Acarinina africana appear for the first time 2.5m above the base of the outcrop.
Discoaster anartios appears for the first time 2.3m above the base of the outcrop.
Correlation Events:
Carbon Isotope Excursion base, initiation of basal Eocene Thermal maximum ("PETM")Notes on Derivation of Age:
Astronomical cycles in sediments scaled from base-PaleoceneReferences:
Dupuis, C., Aubry, M., Steurbaut, E., Berggren, W.A., Ouda, K., Magioncalda, R., Cramer, B. S., Kent, D. V., Speijer, R. P., and Heilmann-Clausen, C., 2003. TheDababiya Quarry Section: Lithostratigraphy, clay mineralogy, geochemistry and paleontology. Micropaleontology 49/1, p.41 - 59.
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