Burton Formation (elevated)

(From NPD Bulletin no. 3)

Dunlin Group


Named by Deegan and Scull (1977) who gave it "sub-unit" status.

Well type section

UK well 211/29-3 (Shell), from 2950.5 m to 2993 m, coord N 61°08'06", E 01°43'36.5", (Fig. 10).

Well reference section

Norwegian wells 33/9-1 (Mobil), from 2801 m to 2838 m, coord N 61°15'O7.5" E01°50'25.8" (Fig. 11).


42.5 m in the type well and 37 m in the reference well.


In the type well it consists of a uniform development of dark grey to reddish-grey, soft non-calcareous claystone and shale, which may be in part slightly carbonaceous.


The formation is normally represented on both gamma ray and sonic logs by smooth linear almost constant readings, reflecting the lithological uniformity. The upper and lower contacts are identified where this log character changes.


Although the log character changes slightly away from the type section, the formation can be recognised over a wide area of the northern North Sea. The formation has not been identified on the Horda Platform. It represents essentially a basinal facies and passes laterally into the Amundsen Formation in marginal areas.


Sinemurian - Pliensbachian

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