Lomvi Formation

(NPD Bulletin no. 3)

Hegre Group


From the bird (English: guillemot) of the same name.

Well type section

Norwegian well 33/12-5 (Mobil) from 3747 m to 3867 m, coord N 61°ll'05.53", E01°51'53.34", (Fig. 2).

Well reference section

Norwegian well 33/5-1 (Norsk Hydro) from 3220 m to 3298 m, coord N 61°44'46.10", E 01 °34'47.40" (Fig. 3).


120 m in the type well, 78 m in the reference well.


The Lomvi Formation consists of fine to coarse-grained kaolinitic sandstone with subordinate and thin red marls and claystones. The sandstones, which are light brown, grey or white, are generally more coarse-grained in the reference well than in the type well.


The lower boundary represents the transition from interbedded sandstones and marls to the coarse-grained sandstones of the Lomvi Formation. The upper boundary, in the Statfjord Field area, is chosen at the base of the first thick argillaceous unit belonging to the Lunde Formation. Gamma ray log patterns are more regular in the Lomvi Formation than in the overlying and underlying formations.


The Lomvi Formation is present in all deep wells between the Brent Field and the southern edge of the More Basin.


Triassic; no more precise dating available.

Depositional environment

The Lomvi Formation most probably consists of fluvial deposits.

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