Eiriksson Formation (elevated)

(From NPD Bulletin no. 1)

Statfjord Group


Named after Leiv Eiriksson, the discoverer of North America in the year AD 1000, according to the Norse sagas. He was the son of Eirik Raude.

Well type section

Norwegian well 33/12-2 (Mobil), from 2719 m (8919 ft) to 2790 m (9153 ft) below KB.

Well reference section

UK well 211/24-1 (Conoco/Gulf/NCB).


71 m (234 ft) in the type well. In the reference well the member is 157 m (514 ft) thick. The thickness is relatively constant over the area of the Statfjord Field but the member thickens towards the south and west (Figure 18) where sandstones characteristic of this member occur at lower levels in the section.


In the type well the formation is characterised by massive sandstone beds, generally correlatable between wells, interbedded with hard grey shales. The sandstones are white to light grey, medium to very coarse grained with thin horizons of granules, pebbles, and lignite fragments, often concentrated in channels and along cross-bedding foresets. They contain slighly less kaolinite matrix, mica and rock fragments than the sandstones of the Raude Formation. The shales are silty and commonly micaceous and carbonaceous.

In the area of the Statfjord Field the sandstone beds average about 5 m (16 ft) in thickness and the shales average about 2.5 m (8 ft). The sediments of this formation appear more mature than those of the Raude Formation, and marine fossils and glauconite are present near the top of the member in the type well. The data suggest that deposition occurred in marginal marine environments varying from coastal backswamp and river mouth situations to coastal barriers.


The lower boundary is formed by the base of the lowest massive sandstone which is correlatable between wells. The upper boundary is marked by the base of the distinctive sandstones of the Nansen Formation which are frequently calcareous. The Eiriksson Formation has a characteristic 'blocky' gamma ray and sonic log response but the boundaries may not always be marked by prominent log breaks.


The formation can be recognised over an extensive area around the Brent and Statfjord Fields.


In the type well it is Hettangian, possibly extending into the early Sinemurian. However, to the west and south the base of the member appears to be progressively older.

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